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Zootechnical performance and pathogen control in broilers production using microencapsulated probiotics

Revolutionizing Tilapia Farming: Boosting Productivity with Microencapsulated co-culture Probiotics

Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Strategies Against Febrile Conditions in Zebu Cattle: Probiotic Consortium vs. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Wall During the Raising Period in the Eastern Plains of Colombia

Molecular typing of Salmonella spp in pigs withpost-weaning infectious enteritis

Evaluation of productive performance in dairy cows under two treatments: sodium monensin and microencapsulated probiotics Fortcell Feed® Livestock

Effect of the use of encapsulated probiotic additives onfeed conversion and its association with changes in theintestinal microbiota of piglets

Microencapsulated Probiotics in Feed for Beef Cattle are Better Alternative to Monensin Sodium

Antimicrobial resistance gene profile of digestivebacterial microbiome in pigs fed diets withmicroencapsulated probiotics in weaned pigs

Evaluation of zootechnical performance of pigs associated with diets based on microencapsulated probiotics with and without growth promoting antibiotics

Analysis of the metagenomic intestinal microbiome in pigs in the pre-fattening phase with diets of microencapsulated probiotics

Microencapsulated Lactobacillus Powder: An Approach to Produce Probiotics Resistant to Different Stress Conditions

Identification of the relationship between the intestinal microbiota and feed efficiency in weanling pigs fed with microencapsulated probiotic mixtures

Evaluation of zootechnical performance of pigs associated with diets based on microencapsulated probiotics with and without growth promoting antibiotics

Molecular typing of Salmonella spp in pigs with post-weaninginfectious enteritis